Directions to our Coeur d’Alene Monthly Card Class location

I’m so pleased that you’ll be joining us for our upcoming card-making class. Now I’ll bet you want to know how to FIND us!

We are currently meeting at the Lutheran Church of the Master in Coeur d’Alene, ID. It is on the northeast corner of Ramsey and Kathleen.  There are several buildings on the campus; we’ll be in the main building – in Schmidt Hall.  Schmidt Hall has its own door to the parking lot; please use that one to enter the building, rather than using the main doors near the Sanctuary and church offices.


Please note: If you will be arriving or departing during hours of darkness, I encourage you to bring a flashlight. It may be helpful navigating outside on potentially uneven, wet or sloping ground. Just an idea for your safety.

Driving directions: Most convenient entrance to the church parking lot is the very first right-hand driveway north of the Ramsey/Kathleen intersection. Super-easy, if headed north. But…

… if you’ll be arriving from parts farther north,  local traffic and turn lanes and such can be a little more challenging. So I encourage you to either come south on Atlas and turn left onto Kathleen, then left onto Ramsey (and then immediately right into the parking lot), OR come south on 95, and then right onto Kathleen, then right again onto Ramsey (and then immediately right into the parking lot). 

You may notice a driveway the enters directly off of Kathleen, but that driveway is often closed during school hours. So it’s probably just safest to plan to follow the driving directions above.

See you soon!

Image courtesy of John Kasawa at