What’s this Template-Based Online Card Class all about anyway?

Template 34 of Online Card Class
Template 34 of our Template-Based Online Card Class (April 2021)

Introducing our Template-Based Online Card Class

One of the things I’m most proud of during my 25-year journey as a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator is that the events I’ve designed and held over the years have often become the basis for many deep and lasting friendships. Each event attendee arrives expecting to create something pretty with paper, of course. That is to be expected. As a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator, that’s what I do. At least at the surface level, anyway. 

Yet time and again, as people return to the next event, and the next one, and they see the same faces ’round the stampin’ table, many have developed friendships along the way. Lasting friendships. The kind where they get invited to dinner at each others’ houses, or to the weddings of each others’ kids. Or they may even plan family outings or vacations together. Or gather together to form an assembly line to put together wedding invitations. Or memorial booklets.  They’ve shared friendships among themselves, and friendships with me.

As a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator, that’s also part of what I do. And honestly, it’s the most rewarding part. I kinda touched on the friendship angle of my job on the final day of my 25-day-countdown to my recent 25th anniversary with Stampin’ Up! If you are a member of my Paper Dreaming with Lynda Facebook group, you’ve probably already read this.

Today is my 25th anniversary as a Stampin' Up! demonstrator. When I think about all the people in my life now, and all of the people I've met since joining this company in 1996, it occurs to me that almost every one of them has been touched by Stampin' Up! in one way or another. From my family, to customers and team members (of course), to those whom I've met through booth activities and classes, to the UPS man, the folks at businesses I patronize regularly, and the ladies who've cut my hair... I am so grateful for having had this quarter-of-a-century opportunity to connect with people in this way, and to have met so many I would otherwise have never met. Several of those I'm thinking about today are, sadly, no longer with us, while others who've remained good friends have seen loved ones pass, children grow up and marry, and have been blessed with grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Life cycles and changes, but love & friendship remain. My heart is full. THANK YOU for your part in blessing and enriching my life with your friendship!

(If you’re not already a member of my FB group, but know me or are friends with another group member, please ask to join at Facebook.com/PaperDreamingwithLynda.)

History of these Template-Based Online Card Classes

The concept began back in March 2020, when my routine monthly in-person card classes came to an abrupt and unceremonious halt. Pandemic. It seemed like the world closed down in a matter of hours. From a health standpoint, I knew that closing down my classes was certainly the right thing to do. But it rocked the entire format of my 24-year-old business. And closing my classes would also mean disconnecting from my stamping friends and customer base. Something that would do none of us any good. So, like many of us in similar situations, I pivoted to online. *Zoom*… which, thankfully, I was already familiar with. We would still be able to connect, but still keep our proper “distance” from one another. And our first session was held before the end of that very month. 

But my class format had to be reinvented. Obviously, I could not longer show up with totes full of stamps & supplies, and packs of precut paper with which everyone could copy that session’s card designs. And, I decided that at least for the time being, I was going to run these new classes for no charge. So no one would have to stay away due to lack of funds. And so most anyone would have the ability to join in… regardless of where they resided. I would supply several downloadable (collectible) card layouts (templates) at each class, and the attendees would use their own stamps, ink, and paper to create their own custom card designs.  

 And so we launched. And, except for the predictable technical hiccup from time to time (which must always be expected with online stuff), it worked out fairly well. Except for one thing. The “connection” part was kinda missing. So after a couple of months we added an additional (and optional) “gab” hour… designed to combat the effects of pandemic isolation and keep the friendships intact. 

Tomorrow’s session will mark our 14th such class, and although our participation numbers have not yet reached anywhere near my eventual vision, the class is still fee-free… and still held monthly, usually on the 4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm Pacific. I have now created and presented 35 card-layout templates… enough to actually bind into a book and use for inspiration whenever I sit down to stamp a card. 

If you’d like to take a peek at what one of the templates looks like, you can download Template #34, from April 2021, at this link. It’s in PDF format; just print it either in color or in B&W. 

And if you’d like to join us for tomorrow’s Template-based online card class, there’s still time to register. Just click here before noon (Pacific time) on Wednesday, the 26th, read the info and fill out the quick form. Then watch for a confirmation email from Zoom, and also an additional email from me, directing you to information you can use to prepare for class, and also use as reference during the class. 

A small sampling of cards made during past classes

Q: On what platform does this class take place?

A: We use Zoom, which can be accessed from almost any device, and doesn’t require a membership or an account for attendees. Since I host the class on my own account, I pay the fee for us to use it.

Q: Is Zoom safe to use? I’ve heard horrible things about it.

A: Yes. I believe it’s as safe as anything else you might do online. There have been many improvements to its security since it first became a staple in life early last year, and most of the “horrible things” were caused by carelessness on the part of users, anyway. 

Q: How do I know what to gather up to use for class? What if I don’t have the proper stamp set(s)?

A: I will send you an email with a link to our online resource page. On that page will be a downloadable guide to gathering your gear. You will use Stampin’ Up! supplies that you already own, whether retired or current. Everyone will use the same layout templates, but different stamps, ink & paper, based on what they already own. 

Q: Why will you only admit people you already know?

A: See the question above… “Is Zoom safe to use?” I am very cautious to ensure we have a safe environment in which to meet. The “horror stories” we used to hear about generally came about by meeting hosts being careless about who was showing up to their events. Even if you and I don’t know each other yet, I am happy to include you when you email me with your background and other things the registration form requests. Basically, I just want to know that you are really *you*. Someone who actually wants to attend this class, and not a planted troll or “bot” of some type, bent on causing trouble.

Q: What if I don’t want to be seen on camera?

A: You can still participate while keeping your camera turned off (which I don’t particularly encourage because it’s awkward for the rest of the attendees, but technically you *can* do that)… OR, you can call in on a phone line and listen that way (although you’ll miss the video presentation part by doing that, of course). 

Q: What if I have another question not addressed here?

A: Email me!