December 2016 Desktop Calendar is ready

2016 December desktop calendar - tiny
December 2016's desktop background is ready!

My monthly desktop backgrounds not only offer you a pretty seasonal picture for your computer monitor, but they also include a handy monthly calendar and serve as a cheat sheet to websites you'll frequently want to know about and visit.

Download your FREE seasonal background here. (NOTE: Please do NOT attempt to install the image shown above because its resolution is too low to make a satisfactory monitor background.)

You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's instructions for installation, but here's how I install my background image onto my own Windows 10 system. It's SUPER easy!

  1. Download and save the image to the computer – from the "download" link above.
  2. Open & view the image on the computer.
  3. Right-click the image and select 'Set as", then "Set as background".

Done!  Enjoy!

Please note these images were designed to fit many modern computer monitors and laptops, but of course I cannot guarantee they'll fit yours, and they'll probably not work on mobile devices, either.  

Check back next month for January's background & calendar!