Did you know you can register online for my monthly classes?

Yep!  You can.  And it's really, really easy, too.  Probably takes less than a minute.  Here's how:

Start by visiting my website.  You DO remember the name of my website, right? Ok, here's a reminder:


Then look just under the banner for a bunch of links (currently showing in pink or red, but colors are always subject to change with my whim, of course).  Locate and click this one:

Image -sign up for a class



Now you'll see all my upcoming regular classes that are available to register for, so just click on the one you've got in mind.  (Be sure to choose the one with the correct class title & date, of course.) As you make your selection you'll be asked for a password, but don't panic….. I've made it real easy for you 'cuz it's just the word:


(And I don't even think it matters whether you capitalize it, although the system would probably want it spelled correctly, lol.)

So from there you'll look for a session that still shows a "Sign Up" button attached- and after you input your name & email address you'll be able to see your name added to the attendance list for that session – and you're done!  Easy-peasy! 

And if ever you need to confirm which session you're signed up for you can go view the attendance list again through that exact same link under my website banner.

Now if a session already has 6 names showing and does not show a "Sign Up" button, it means that session is already pretty full and I recommend you look for another session to join. 

But if you simply cannot attend another session, please feel free to contact me and plead your case.  If it's still far enough in advance that I can shuffle tables and chairs and ensure enough supplies on hand, I might still be able to accomodate you – or at least put you on a wait list in case someone else has to cancel.

So come join us for one of our 3 monthly sessions of Card Class – and/or my 2 monthly sessions of Crafting Adventures

Download and print: Card Class AND Crafting Adventures details (PDF) file